Brainspotting in Athletic’s and Performance Therapy

“The athletes mind and body always hold the answer”

Grand & Goldberg

Recognizing this mind-body connection is key to unlocking peak performance.

It is crucial that an individual or athlete heal and reprocess trauma and negative experiences at a level that heals our physiology; talking at problems or symptoms only scratches the surface, thats where Brainspotting comes in!

Repetitive Sports Performance Problems (RSPPs) are always intricately connected to an athlete’s personal history. Early life experiences, emotional trauma, and physical injuries significantly shape performance problems, but these connections are often overlooked.

Traditional sports psychology focuses narrowly on solving the immediate issue, failing to address the athlete as a unique individual with a personal and trauma history. These underlying issues often go unaddressed by traditional sports psychology, which tends to focus solely on solving the immediate performance challenge.

The Body’s “Scorecard”

The physical and emotional effects of an athlete’s past injuries and experiences are unconsciously stored in the body. These “scorecards” interfere with natural talent and can disrupt an athlete’s natural abilities, regardless of their training, skill level and experience; causing the “yips” or blocks, anxiety, body tension, and negative thinking.

Even when an athlete is unaware of the connection, unresolved trauma can lead to anxiety, tension, and negative thinking, manifesting as performance blocks.

Athletes may not realize the connection between past trauma and current performance issues, yet the body remembers and reacts.

A Holistic Solution

Understanding the athlete as a whole person is crucial. I believe that one should never separate an athlete’s performance problem from who they are as a unique human being.

Effective therapy must explore an athlete’s personal and injury history, including their trauma, to uncover the deeper root of performance blocks and to address the whole cause of their performance issues, rather than treating symptoms in isolation.

By addressing these connections, we can help athletes regain confidence, overcome mental barriers, and perform at their best.




Citation- Grand, D., & Goldberg, A. S. (2011). This is your brain on sports: Beating blocks, slumps and performance anxiety for good! Dog Ear Publishing